
Smoke & Mirrors “Flash Thunder” CD

Smoke & Mirrors - Flash ThunderFeaturing former members of Brother's Keeper, Shockwave, Thick as Thieves, and Problem Solver Revolver, among numerous others, Smoke & Mirrors is a relatively new band out of Erie, PA whose debut release is the "Flash Thunder" demo CD. With six tracks in 20 minutes, the general approach of the material is a nice blend of classic metallic hardcore with subtle (and occasionally more obvious) melodic twists and a hefty dose of rhythmic, bass-centric post-hardcore texture and dissonance—not to mention a few unexpected fits of borderline rocked out riffing. The vocals (predominantly sneered shouts with vague hints of pseudo "singing") are taking a little getting used to for me, but musically the diversity and focus pay off, and the recording's surprisingly killer for a demo. The mix is excellently balanced, and the crispness of the rhythm section (great bass tone and presence) really helps to emphasize the surging post-hardcore oriented elements of their influences. The disc is handsomely packaged in a handmade, D.I.Y. sleeve with screenprinted two-color artwork on thick colored stock and a xeroxed centerfold with lyrics and such stapled inside. Most of the content is a solid mix of the personal and the tactfully political, and overall you can tell this band means business and really takes every facet of their output seriously, which is always an indicator of great potential. This is a strong start, so we'll see where things go from here...

Smoke & Mirrors "Gem City Trauma"

The demo's limited to just 300 copies, so make the grab while you still can if you like what you hear...

Get It

Surprise Attack Records
Very Distribution


  1. this shit’s got groove! “all rock no heart” is a fucking masterpiece!

    6.10.2008 | By Andy

  2. Thanx for giving our demo a listen Andrew and your kind words.  We appreciate all who have given us a chance.  Can’t wait to work on getting some new songs out too! - ems

    6.10.2008 | By EMS

  3. That shit rocked my panties to floor!!!

    6.11.2008 | By 814 REALTY

  4. If you haven’t heard this band, get your ass up and check it.  You’ve been warned so quit missing out.  Fucking shit hot!

    6.11.2008 | By Diggler

  5. I like this but sometimes the vocals are waaaay off, get that right and you’re on to something.

    7.3.2008 | By tim