
Song of the Day: Spirits, “Paid for Hate,” from Discontent (State of Mind, 2015)

Spirits hails from Boston, MA and contains ex-members of a bunch of bands I'm not familiar with (Test of Time, No Harm Done, Beartrap, Offsides, Daytrader) because I'm old and out of touch. All that matters, though, is that this is the best hardcore I've heard in many, many years. Plain and simple.

A good friend of mine shot me an email a couple weeks ago and suggested I check out Discontent, the band's first full-length and finest outing to date (though their entire discography's awesome). To my surprise, I was completely floored and totally on board within mere seconds. It's packed with incredible energy, just the right amount of melody, and really unique vocals that lend more of a pissed off edge to the material through sincere lyrics that are both personal and political. They've got that special spark of honest authenticity, and I just love it.

Snag Discontent free or cheap digitally from either the band or the label, or show some support with a physical purchase.

I can't believe more people aren't hyping this band!?