I've said it before and I'll say it again (well, at least until it happens): This band should be fucking huge. In typical fashion for the ridiculous and unjust world in which we live, Victory Records has bands that eat shit selling hundreds of thousands of records, and yet by far the best emo/indie/rock band they've ever had on their roster, Spitalfield, has yet to really even touch on that "status". What the fuck? Seriously. What the fuck!? Sure, they suffered a slight "sophomore slump" (though it was still a decent record), but son of a bitch am I psyched to report that "Better Than Knowing Where You Are", the band's third full-length, is back for the attack—rivaling the almost absurd levels of over the top catchiness and energy possessed by the band's outstanding debut, "Remember Right Now". Any album that's still cranking out immediately head-bobbing and memorable sing-alongs five tracks in is a serious fuckin' keeper and my book, and this is one of 'em, man. Hell, there's really no stopping, every song's a keeper for the most part! There are even some unexpected post-hardcore textures happening here and there. It's just good shit, what can I say? These dudes kick ass. The shit's not cheesy or anything, they just write great tunes, that's all there is to it. Well, that and the fact that the recording is once again totally pristine—perhaps even a touch more polished and "big time" sounding than past efforts—and certainly a tad more involved in terms of layering and subtle little intricacies that tend to go unnoticed when the songs are so damn catchy. And the layout's cool, too.
Spitalfield "The Only Thing That Matters"
Spitalfield "Curtain Call"
I'm telling you: This band should be fucking huge. Stop pretending you're too hard and buy this shit:
Aight, I’ll be the first here. These guys absolutely blow!.............the competetion out of the water! hahaha. Fuck, man the second “the only thing that matters” started, I was hooked. Good call Andrew!
10.12.2006 | By Adrianoso
It ain’t pretending cupcake!
10.12.2006 | By Johnny
Wow, I thought these dudes split up. Good to see their still going. “The Only Thing That Matters” is a definite jam.
10.12.2006 | By Jonathan
They are good. Yes.
But I still think LET GO blows them away and no one cares about them. Jamie Woolford (ex-The Stereo) is such a dynamic singer/songwriter yet most people don’t know who he is. It’s a shame really.
10.12.2006 | By Anonymous
Holy crap this is good and it kinda sounds like Ryan Adams. Not sure if thats a good thing, but I like it.
10.13.2006 | By Voltage Tower
The title track off the cd is also amazing.
10.16.2006 | By Anonymous
I’m with Johnny. I’m not Mr. Hard, but come on.
10.20.2006 | By Anonymous