Next week's probably gonna be another dead one, as I'm slated to go out of town this weekend and therefore won't be getting any reviews done. So, until I return, I leave you with this curious photo of an ancient relic that someone emailed me a few weeks ago:
straight edge? that sticker is a dinosaur. lol
8.29.2008 | By L.Ron
“one life, drug free.” major sellout.
8.29.2008 | By Andy
W0W, I never thought I’d see that! If Integrity were ever really SXE it must’ve been only for a second, then they wised up, started drinking and doing drugs, and wrote killer songs about Satan.
8.29.2008 | By Raul
It’s a shame but a fact.
8.29.2008 | By Ingo
hell no. he sidetracked but, its on again. his head is out of the water…..
8.29.2008 | By L.Ron
Whenever I see a bottle of beer, I always ask myself WWJAD (What Would Jack Abernathy Do)... and the answers aint pretty. Or legal.
8.30.2008 | By Marcus Garvey
Integ in ‘88 (that’s nineteen eighty-eight):
Q: You’re not straight edge?
AA: No one smokes, drinks or does drugs in the band. The drummer is straight edge, the bass player is straight, and so am I. We don’t call ourselves straight edge, I don’t think it matters what you call yourself.
Dwid: Let me say on the straight edge tip, what I see it as, straight edge was exploited, it was raped. It’s nothing now, it’s a joke. It’s a way to dress, it’s a haircut, and it’s a way to have generic beats.
AA: I’ve seen bands where all they do is wear Champions and Nikes and are considered straight edge.
Dwid: I’m ashamed to be straight edge now.
8.30.2008 | By internet hate machine
Anyone else remember when Dwid was not only straight edge but a militant vegan? Some of his interviews circa 1991 make Earth Crisis lyrics sound like they’re soft on animal abuse.
9.2.2008 | By xYosefx
Guys,... gone are the days. No more AA riffs, no more Micha (even if he still starts the song with it, weird?!), no more search for divinity. Straight inked rockstars with funny porn podcasts. But then again, who gives a fuck, Integ still rocks, the songs still catch me in no second, Dwid is still the guy who wrote all this epic lyrics and they don’t have to proof shit to anyone. Mike Judge is a drughead and 70% of the SXE Scene from the 80’s and 90’s are on rehab. Still i love to listen to their music. As long as you don’t have to point the finger towards the mirror it’s all good.
9.2.2008 | By Ingo
“Mike Judge is a drughead and 70% of the SXE Scene from the 80’s and 90’s are on rehab.” Source?
9.4.2008 | By DIngo
American Express Platinum cards are still issued. can’t be named relic IMHO.
9.4.2008 | By Nicolas
More importantly: Who would win a three-way cage fight between Mike Judge, Mike Judge and Michael Judge the Irish snooker player? I’ll leave it to you to be the… judge.
Totally aside from that: my favorite straight edge dinosaur was Euronymous. Now there was a guy who knew how to have a coke and a smile. Or just a coke.
9.4.2008 | By svein
Was Euronymous straight edge?
9.4.2008 | By kevin
someone told me that most of the (ex) SXE people his friend know in our country are:
a)abusing alcohol and drugs
b)have serious psychiatric problems
life is pain!
9.4.2008 | By Carlos
Soooooo didn’t see this post going here…
9.4.2008 | By Andrew Aversionline
At the very least old Euro was a heavy hater of the smokes and a huge fan of the Coca Cola, hahah!
Maybe these straight edge warriers of the distant past have fucked themselves over today ‘cause they think they LOST OUT ON ALL THE COOL SHIT THEY COULDA DONED IN THEIR YOUTH, eh? You know, like passing out and spending the night in a ditch, date-raping sleeping girls who were “totally in on it,” “totally” “insane” beer bongs, drinking games with 50/50 “vadka” and laxatives (seriously, do a Google search for “bottle of vadka” and you’ll get actual hits,) having your head shit on by your “friends” and super deep conversations about the big issues, man with your bros. Calling your mates “bro” and “dude” and “man” all the fuckin’ time, pissing your pants at the age of 22 and trynna laugh it off… GOOD TIMES, MOTHERFUCKER!!! Fuuuuck, why am I sitting here on the internets at this hour? If found, return to nearest public house.
9.4.2008 | By apparently heavy on the quotes all of a sudden
although I never was and probably won’t never be a SE I must say that I somehow really admire the SE people. In my country most of the youth have fun (party) with drinking alcohol and smokin weed. Not to mention the “rave” population where most of the people take ecstasy and other drugs.
I don’t see anything wrong if somebody drink some beer or smoke some joint but I fucking hate when somebody is pushing me with their opinions, either be SE or the “opposite (extreme) side”.
Just live your life. As Unbroken said: Everybody live and die with their opinion(s).
9.5.2008 | By Anonymous
Integ only used the xstraight edgex shit on their merch for a very brief period of time. By the time FTWFT came out they were all ready thanking camel cigarettes and chicken wings. Even prior to forming in 89, there was allready merch being made for integ which was a fictional band at that point. I’m sure this sticker is from the very late 80’s.
9.5.2008 | By Anonymous
Remember the bonus track Intro (Rated X) on Systems Overload?
Didn’t Dwid form a band in recent years with some Belgian guys from Liar, Congress etc? I’m certain those guys were vegan straight-edge!
9.7.2008 | By Adam G
they are. he ain’t ;)
I see all this shit about ex and “not” ex as complete nonsense. I mean who doesn’t change his / her opinions at least few times a life. It’s hard to live all life by your book which was written several years back in different time, different situation. I know some people which when they were around 15 changed more dressing and music styles than you change underwear in one week…
9.8.2008 | By Carlos
love it.
They, or should i say he certainly played the part the part to the hilt at the time.
but then again so did a few ohers-Chain of Strength.
9.12.2008 | By jim fuckin winters
TWFT is an ok recording but all those krisna vegan sxe lyrics just turn me off from liking the album. i guess that was the trend at the time
9.17.2008 | By Anonymous
9.18.2008 | By Anonymous
as much as i hate dwid i cant stop making websites about him
9.18.2008 | By LOVE BUNNI