Also new from Willowtip is "Leading Vision", the sophomore full-length from French tech-death outfit Gorod. Like "Neurotripsicks", this material is jammed with flashy riffing and tempo changes, though this is a stronger album in terms of possessing a warmer and more balanced recording—not to mention much-improved lyrics that avoid some of the blatant death metal immaturities of their debut. I also feel that the vocals are more at home these days, which may be in part due to the recording/mix, but there's probably more effort being put into the vocal arrangements as well, with a hint more variety between sneers, snarls, growls, and what have you. I'm still not floored by Gorod's work overall, in part because I feel like the bulk of their songwriting is based around a very similar riffing style that they don't deviate from quite enough, but they're definitely making headway to get away from that element of their compositions. A few areas of "Leading Vision" as a whole offer a bit more tactful groove, which is rare with such a complex brand of metal, and these areas are certainly promising in their blend of the technical with the tangible. But regardless, if nothing else the solos and basslines are always quite impressive (the bassist totally keeps up with the guitars, which is awesome), so it's clear that these guys are surely talented and hold the power to dish out some pretty incredible material when everything falls into place.
Gorod "Chronicle From the Stone Age"
Gorod "Thirst for Power"
Once more, be sure to pick this up for yourself if you're into it:
I just ordered the new Dim Mak and preordered that Electro Quarterstaff album and now I feel like I have to go back and buy Gorod. Man, these are some clever twisty riffs!
9.12.2006 | By andrew
Willowtip are sooooooooo reliable, I love both of these!! Hey Andrew, how about some more prog-thrash bro?? And have you heard the vegan straight edge dim-mak?? Quite good :)
9.12.2006 | By xbenx
GODDAMMIT!! Gorod is fuckin down with it!
9.12.2006 | By Adrianoso
The Sulaco is decent, but the Gorod really does it for me. More huevos I guess.
9.12.2006 | By Anonymous
No way man! Sulaco is much better, less ‘wankery’, and unecessary stuff.
9.12.2006 | By Anonymous
HA! wankery. that made my day.
9.12.2006 | By chris
yeah, i like the new sulaco a lot too. gorod are kinda meh…
9.12.2006 | By Anonymous
GOROD ist the technical Death Metalgod !!! Best Album 2006 !!!
Greatzzz from Germany…France’ Metal is very good !
10.3.2006 | By Anonymous