
Song of the Day: Temporary Insanity, “Arrogant Fuck,” from 1991 Demo (1991)

There were a surprisingly high number of amazing thrash bands from Massachusetts and its surrounding areas that unfortunately never made it past the demo phase of their careers, and Temporary Insanity was one of those bands. I don't know much about 'em other than:

  1. They were from Boston.
  2. Their drummer also played with Disrupt and Grief.
  3. They released three or four demos from around 1989 - 1992.

I've heard what I believe to be the bulk of the band's material, and it's all excellently memorable thrash that combines breakneck speeds and massive breakdowns with a bitter, sarcastic sense of humor—sort of like the perfect blend of Rigor Mortis and S.O.D. I mean, How can you lose with a chorus like this?

Arrogant FUCK! Arrogant FUCK!
You don't know shit about life!
Arrogant FUCK! Arrogant FUCK!
You're gonna die!

I know top-shelf thrash was starting to die out by 1992, but holy shit could this band have released one hell of an album had a label scooped 'em up by early-'91 or so. Oh well, a man can dream, right? I'm still crossing my fingers that maybe a discography CD of some sort will materialize one day. There's so much music out there that's just too damn good to rot away as mediocre-sounding, over-compressed streams on the internet!


  1. Good song. Strangely, no comments. Ah well. :)

    4.27.2014 | By CarlosFromAversionline