Two obscure metal bands have been completely blowing my mind lately, and I have one of the many mixes that Fenriz has made available online to thank for it. In this particular mix, from a portion of his DJ set at the 2009 Metal Merchants Festival, he included a track from the 1983 "Power Metal" EP by a New Jersey band called The Beast (Pre-Ripping Corpse!?). And that track, "The Beast", is one of the most ridiculously catchy songs I've ever heard in my life:
Don't be misled by the fact that the EP is called "Power Metal", because the band's style is really more of a Motörhead-ish, hardcore/punk-infused take on catchy, energetic metal... and it fucking rules!
Reading more about The Beast led me to discover that they also appeared on the "Born to Metalize" compilation in 1984 (and released at least one demo in 1986, but I've been unable to find it) alongside Sneak Attack (NJ), Hades (NJ), and a New York band called Tortured Dog. Terrible band name, I know, but holy shit are they responsible for this infectious gem (I apologize for the skips in the YouTube track, most versions of this song that are floating around are flawed):
Tortured Dog "Can't Run From Evil"
According to The Metal Archives the band never released anything beyond the three tracks on this compilation, which is a damn shame, 'cause this song in particular has been stuck in my head for weeks now with its insanely hook-y brand of traditional metal.
I typically don't promote downloading complete releases for free, but from what I can tell both of these records are out of print and rather rare (or at least the copies you'll stumble upon on eBay, etc. aren't exactly priced within a reasonable range), and it drives me insane that there's so much amazing music out there that you can't get your hands on through honorable means. That being said, The Devil's Music has made The Beast's "Power Metal" 7" available, and you can find a non-skipping rip of the "Born to Metalize" compilation LP over at Lockjaw.
Both bands are really good. I like The beast’s take on speed metal/Motorhead. Tortured dog sound amazing. The lead singer does sound strangely like Cam Pipes from 3 inches of blood, but that’s a lazy comparison. The guitar work is especially good. It’s crazy people haven’t repressed these demos/comps as more people would enjoy them and your right, the Ebay copies stupidly pricey.
5.13.2011 | By Jim
Glad someone else agrees with me!
As for the reissuing, if not full-on reissues, I’ll never understand why more bands/labels don’t at least throw the stuff out there digitally. It’s ridiculous to let music just go out of print and disappear when there will always be people out there interested in hearing it.
5.13.2011 | By Andrew Aversionline
I may be crazy, but the Beast kinda sounds like the Freeze. Very similar guitar tone…
5.13.2011 | By Anonymous
Wow, this is one the best “compilation” posted on this site. Ever!
5.13.2011 | By Anonymous
Now I’m listening Born to Metalize compilation and is awesome. I really need to listen more of that kind of stuff. (I’ve posted previous comment but I guess I didn’t see that was posting like anonymous.
5.14.2011 | By Carlos
Did The Beast released album Thirteen or was that another band? I’ve found out that they are from Baltimore, Maryland but somewhere I’ve found another band The Beast which is supposed to come from NY?:S
5.31.2011 | By Carlos
This is The Beast that I’m talking about:
5.31.2011 | By Andrew Aversionline
Thanks mans!
Their Power Metal EP and Born to Metalize are on my menu almost every day. Highly addictive stuff!:)
5.31.2011 | By Carlos
The Beast [N.J.] also have two songs on another Megaforce compilation album called Deeper Into The Vault, released in 1991. The two tracks are “Is This Life?” and The “Shape” These are the same versions that appear on the “Born To Metalize comp. The Beast [N.J.] also have two releases out in France [where they are more popular than Jerry Lewis] They are “Up From The Sewers” a 21 song c.d. compilation of all known studio tracks and out takes , live stuff and early re-workings of TYRANT songs [the bands former moniker], Also a full lenth L.P entitled “Last Beastial Incarnation” that contains the Power Metal E.P. tracks, The B.T.M. tracks, some live material and four songs off the highly sought after Demo-‘86. Both The C. D. and L .P. were put out by Regis White [The 6[66] Beast] on Old Continent records….Rumor has it that 4 of the original 5 members will re-unite later this summer to comemerate the 30 year aniversary of The Power Metal E.P.‘s release and perform live at their former home [The Brighton Bar] In West End, Long Branch, N.J. ...Feel free to e-mail back for more info.
6.13.2013 | By euro boy
I bought the Album “Born To Metalize” in 1985 At the base Store in Great Lakes Illinois ...Strictly on the Cover… and it remains in my Library ever since can never get enough Tortured Dog !!!!
4.18.2014 | By Jerry
I will send you digital copies of our songs if I can. Glad you like ‘em. shoot me an email at ddai6762@gmail and I’ll get them to you.
2.8.2015 | By Dennis Dai (TDog)