"Delayed Response" is the absolutely crushing self-released debut from McLean, VA's The Osedax, throwing down eight lengthy tracks for about an hour's worth of top-notch doom. These dudes just do not fuck around at all. The songwriting is utterly amazing right off the bat, and actually manages to strike a much more emotional chord than most bands of this nature. Of course there's a firm base of thick, plodding rhythms and sludgy runs—not to mention a variety of deep, burly growls and midrange snarls—but they also utilize tons of winding, dissonant melodies and subtly discordant chord phrasings that add a hell of a lot of power to the compositions. Plus, the tempos are all over the place, so they're not just locking into a slow, pounding groove for 6+ minutes straight and beating you over the head with repetition. In fact, some of the "faster" passages actually get pretty damn technical in the riffing department. This is also one of the first albums I've listened to in a while where the drumming jumps out at me as a true strength: The dude hits hard and doesn't stagnate, so there are a lot of forceful fills and well-placed flourishes. Great recording, too. The bass faintly pulses away behind a massive wall of guitars, the percussion is crisp and natural... everything gels together perfectly and is super fuckin' heavy without losing any detail. As usual I'm not doing a stellar job of properly communicating the intricacies of what this music has to offer, but listen for yourself and I think you'll understand. This is quite an outstanding album, and it will be a massive injustice if The Osedax doesn't start getting more attention ASAP. I'm impressed...
As always, support the band with a purchase if you like what you hear!
Get It
The Osedax (CD)
Amazon.com (mp3)
iTunes (mp3)
Thought I’ve posted comment yesterday but I guess I didn’t. :) Good song, I’m interesting to hear more. It always nice to get known of new doom band. :)
4.25.2011 | By Carlos
I think doom is used loosely here, it just sounds like sludge/slow metalcore and it’s ex Quell/Psyopus so… who’s surprised.
4.28.2011 | By Jack
Labeling bands by music genre is quite stupid for me and I doubt that there are “narrow"measures for doing this…
4.28.2011 | By Carlos
got my copy today - love it, sounds a bit like “the psyke project”?
9.4.2011 | By headrot
Not much to add, except - god damn!
I’ve been listening through the whole album and am in awe of what these dudes have managed to achieve: shit’s aggressive and depressing at the same time, genuinely bleak without relying on repetition or sparseness, heavy as fuck, evocative… It really got to me, made my spirits hit rock bottom. Couldn’t possibly ask for more.
9.19.2011 | By Chris