Dead Storm is the fourth album from Denmark's The Psyke Project (their second for Lifeforce Records)—a band I've been following for almost five years now. It's nice to see them continuing their pattern of releasing a new full-length just about every two years, and without growing away from the crushing heaviness at the core of their sound. Upon the first listen, Dead Storm seems perhaps a touch more stripped down than the band's past efforts, continuing to work in some "post-" types of influences while easing up on some of the more chaotic and abrasive bursts heard in their earlier work. I'm still generally sick of the vast majority of "post-rock" sounds, but the similarities present here are tactful nuances as opposed to the base style of shimmery effects over repetitious tremolo picking that far too many bands are toying with nowadays. There's also more going on under the surface here. In the band's own words:
The album is a soundscape influenced by the frailty and authenticity of traditional Nordic music, and at the same time there's a presence of pristine landscapes throughout the songs. The honesty of Nordic narratives—be it nature, myths, or music—has made a deep impact on how we wanted to record the album and the emotions that should be conveyed through Dead Storm. It has been paramount to us that all studio recordings were done live and within a short timespan in order to stay honest to the songwriting and to convey a sense of authenticity and unpredictability on the album.
Don't be misled, though, as this isn't some sort of artsy, folk-infused album in any way. The overall style really is right in line with what you'd expect from the band, with a good deal of shifting back and forth between soft clean passages (which often place extra emphasis on the rhythm section) and surging strikes of deep, detuned chords laced with winding discordant riffs and absolutely scathing vocal snarls. I'm quite intrigued by the fact that the material was recorded live in the studio, because the tones and the mix are just fuckin' awesome throughout, and the technique does create a more dynamic impact when they kick in the distortion after moments of calm restraint. Another keeper from this continually underrated outfit...
The Psyke Project "Polaris"
For some reason I think the U.S. release of the CD has been pushed back until October!? I'm not sure what the deal is there, but you can already buy the disc directly from the label in Europe, and it's available digitally through the major outlets in the U.S. right now as well. Go figure...
Get It
Lifeforce Records (CD)
Amazon.com (mp3)
eMusic (mp3)
iTunes (mp3)
probably the best band in europe
IMO, only knut or adrift match their intensity and quality here in europe
this album is available in spotify for people in the few western countries where it works
9.9.2009 | By hector
Awesome album indeed!!!
9.9.2009 | By Marco
great stuff and great band!
9.9.2009 | By Carlos
The Daikini album made me a fan 4 life
9.10.2009 | By OBSCURA
I haven’t really kept up with this band since Daikini, but judging from the above sample, I’ll have to track down the releases I missed.
Also, if anyone is interested in another swedish band with a little bit more of that Tragedy/HHIG sound than Psyke Project, check out Hej Ninja! This band slays and absolutely deserves more attention.
9.10.2009 | By paul
Loved Daikini, but found the unrelenting intensity to be a little stifling in the long run. This one should be right on the money, what with more “breathing room” and all. I’m checking this out pronto. Need to revisit Apnea as well.
<i>check out Hej Ninja! This band slays and absolutely deserves more attention.<i>
As well as a reward for the most unbelievably goofy band name in history.
9.11.2009 | By Chris
Has anyone here seen their video for “Winter” yet? Check the sweet way they walk at the beginning of the vid. I’m calling it “the gotta poop mosh.”
9.11.2009 | By Ben