Damn if "Unbowed" isn't one of the best Surprise Attack releases to date, and it happens to be the US pressing of the first "full-length" offering (though it's only about 25 minutes long) from UK hardcore act The Break In. I honestly don't seem to hear all that much of this particular style from the UK, but whatever the case this is pretty furious metallic hardcore that takes the standard foundation of chunky power chords and moderately fast tempos littered with thick midpaced breakdowns and then tosses in some odd dissonant riffs that add an extra tinge of metal while also keeping things from sounding totally standard on a musical level. They also go with a nastier than average guitar tone that's got a dirty yet efficient texture to it, which actually works quite well against the over the top intensity of the vocal performance—which actually adds a rather Ringworm-esque touch to the material, so it should appeal to fans of that whole niche. Something about the busy textures of the layout printed on matte stock with differing shades of brown ink catches my eye for whatever reason as well, so this is good stuff across the board. It's a relatively straightforward attack when all is said and done, and definitely an aggressive fuckin' release, so I'll look forward to hearing more from these cats at some point.
The Break In "Coffin Dodger"
The Break In "Iron Hammers"
The label's selling copies of this thing for an inconceivably cheap $5 apiece, so if you dig the tunes you'd have to be an idiot not to buy it straight from them—not to mention you're a seriously cheap motherfucker if you pass on picking it up for such a cheap price:
The Break In wasn’t bad at all. Not sure I heard the Worm in there, but solid nonetheless. Extra points for the intro in “Coffin Dodger”, which sounded like a 4 banger being ridden in serious anger.
6.5.2006 | By Johnny
OH MY GOD!!! YES!!! The Break In makes me wanna stab random people in the face!!....in a good way…if thats possible. I totally hear that Ringwormishness.
6.6.2006 | By Adrianoso