
Torchbearer “The Worst is Yet to Come” 7”

Torchbearer - The Worst is Yet to Come"The Worst is Yet to Come" is the latest from New Jersey's Torchbearer—a quick three-song 7" on Soulrebel Records that continues in the vein of the band's 2008 demo by unloading about 10 minutes of assorted post-hardcore influences. Think thick, surging rhythms, loads of dissonant chord phrasings and slightly noisy background textures, a few energetic and driving bursts hinting at traditional hardcore/punk, and by contrast some slower/darker fare that really hits the spot—all topped off by straightforward yelling vocals. I wouldn't particular say they're heading in any new directions here, but that's fine with me. If you were into their demo, I see no reason why this succinct EP wouldn't suit your tastes as well. I know this write-up's extremely fuckin' brief, but I just wrote about the band a few months ago, so... what more needs to be said!? I'm a fan...

Torchbearer "Hello, My Name is Torchbearer" (excerpt)

As is (thankfully) becoming more and more common these days, the vinyl includes a digital download card, so you'll be all set even if you don't have a turntable...

Get It

Soulrebel Records


  1. this is good stuff. andrew, have you heard the new kickback yet? slight black metal vibe to it

    9.2.2009 | By m

  2. Still haven’t heard the new Kickback.  Been looking around waiting for the CD to finally hit a US distro, but I might just cave in and grab it off eMusic this week or something.  I’m tired of waiting!

    9.2.2009 | By Andrew Aversionline

  3. Hell Yeah, this is some heavy shit.  I love the almost spoken vocals.  It totally reminds me of the sorta thing that was going on in the 80’s.  It just goes to show you that you don’t need some deep guttural, death metal growls to convey an utterly brutal sound.

    9.3.2009 | By paul

  4. That Kickback is really great stuff.

    9.7.2009 | By Jack

  5. Torchbearer is a great band live and this 7” is a frequent visitor to my turntable.  I Love it!

    9.9.2009 | By molsook