
Unrestrained “Screaming for a Life Worth Living” 7”

Unrestrained - Screaming for a Life Worth Living"Screaming for a Life Worth Living" is a four-song 7" that marks the first proper release from Portland, OR's Unrestrained (on Surprise Attack Records). For those unaware, the band's vocalist, Justin, is one of the guys behind the excellent Stuck in the Past blog, so it makes perfect sense that his band is heavily influenced/inspired by various facets of the 90's hardcore scene. Expect scathing screams over chunky, metallic rhythms with loads of killer bass breaks and a good balance between slightly harsher guitar textures as well as some surging post-hardcore dissonance and subtle melodic elements tucked away in the riffing. If I had to compare them to artists from that classic era of hardcore, I'd say they come across as an interesting mix of Harvest and Mouthpiece. I do wish the recording was just a touch more polished in order to give the material the oomph it deserves, but there's something about their present ruggedness that does make sense, and adds a little bit of an acerbic sheen to the vocals that's pretty cool (the bass tone kicks ass, too). The songwriting's absolutely on point, so I'll damn sure be looking forward to seeing where they head down the road. Look for a split with Germany's Laura Mars and two tracks on an At Both Ends zine compilation coming soon...

Unrestrained "Scrutiny"

Get It

Surprise Attack Records (red vinyl, alternate cover)
Surprise Attack Records (black vinyl, standard cover)
Surprise Attack Records (both versions)


  1. easily one of the best current hardcore bands today. if you like good music you will like this.

    11.12.2009 | By xmetalmikex

  2. But I like BAD music…horrible.

    11.25.2009 | By Chris