
v/a “They Don’t Know Unless You Tell Them” compilation

v/a - They Don't Know Unless You Tell Them - compilationThe most recent outing from Flingco Sound System is "They Don't Know Unless You Tell Them": A massive digital-only compilation featuring 15 exclusive tracks for an hour-and-a-half's worth of assorted experimental sounds. Aside from Cristal, Buer, and FSS artists like Wrnlrd and Grief No Absolution that I've written about here in the past, I honestly wasn't familiar with the other contributing artists (except my own, of course, as in the interest of full disclosure I do have a song here as Never Presence Forever), but was most impressed by Interbellum's surprisingly melodic, chilled out approach; and, towards the end, Leyland Kirby's similarly moving 13-minute "Black Holes are Not Completely Black"—where faintly distorted washes of melody sway to and fro in a hypnotically repetitious manner. Hells Hills (who feature former Rorschach guitarist Nick Forté) create this eerie type of vibe as well, though with a hint more of a throbbing drone element. Buer's "Dogwomb" is the first piece to really shake things up on the aggression front, with abstract bursts of early Godflesh-like texture broken up by loads of ear-splitting feedback that eventually cave in to more of an ambient hum. On the "black metal"-ish front you'll find the crude, super simplistic riffs and obscured vocals of Hamsoken (another Nick Forté project); Wrnlrd continuing to add clarity and detail to gnarled layers of discordant insanity with "Mephitic Celebrator"; and Caves' effective fusion of distant, reverberated tremolo picking riffs and dense ambient tones. Then there's No Anchor and Dead Meat, the two groups herein that sound like true "bands", smack in the middle of the collection with their own unique forms of "noise rock" (for lack of a better term). There's just a shitload of music to check out here, and unlike most compilations (especially those of the more experimental realms) I honestly find it all to be pretty damn solid. The whole thing's available as a free download, and includes a hefty .pdf booklet that was designed by Wrnlrd in cooperation with each contributing artist. Check it out and see what you discover... you can't lose when it's free!

[DOWNLOAD] v/a "They Don't Know Unless You Tell Them" compilation (Sendspace) (mp3) [DOWNLOAD] v/a "They Don't Know Unless You Tell Them" compilation (MediaFire) (wav)


  1. WOW! excellent compilation. thanks for posting.

    1.29.2010 | By charlie

  2. what a great tile for compilation that is spreading around over the internet :)

    1.30.2010 | By Carlos