
Vectom “Speed Revolution/Rules of Mystery” CD

Vectom - Speed Revolution/Rules of MysteryAnother recent reissue of obscure thrash metal comes from Stormspell Records in the form of this two-on-one collection CD from Vectom—a German band that I had never heard of in my entire life... and I would assume that few people have heard of this band!? Included are both of their full-lengths, "Speed Revolution" (1985) and "Rules of Mystery" (1986), which were originally released on the equally obscure labels Intercord and Scratchcore respectively. While not as aggressive as what Germany's "big three" (Destruction, Kreator, and Sodom) were doing around this time period, the material is fast, aptly rugged, and certainly competent thrash with no frills. A little dirtier and more in your face than the standard metal fare with its sneering vocals, oft-chaotic solos, avoidance of melody, and generally speedy pacing, there's still a good dose of traditional heavy metal at work in the songwriting itself, which makes for some punchy, memorable arrangements that provide a good level of energy and help to carry the listen through. As would be expected from the "development" shown on any sophomore effort, the compositions making up "Rules of Mystery" are slightly longer and more diverse in terms of tempo changes and riffing styles (i.e. some melody does start to present itself)—though not terribly far removed from the debut per se. The vocals do lean more towards actual "singing" in some ways, while the leads possess a hint more control and the overall feel of the tracks lacks the same raw intensity of "Speed Revolution" (which I do prefer), but I don't find that to detract from the validity of the material at all. The booklet contains lyrics and a photo of each band member along with the two original album covers. No recording information or liner notes are included, and the tracklist seems to be missing the song "Elixir of Death" (though it is on the CD), but that's not a big deal. In the end you're in for over an hour's worth of solid old school thrash that should appeal to most any diehard fan of the genre's heyday, and I'm always amped to see these kinds of reissues surface, so I damn sure commend the label's efforts on this one!

Vectom "Day of Execution"
Vectom "Too Fast For Hell"
Vectom "Outlaw"

Show your support and purchase the album if you're into it:

Stormspell Records
The End Records

In other (at times) thrash-related news, the latest print issue ("The Shameless") of the mighty Lamentations of the Flame Princess is out now, and in it James "The Man" Edward "I Am Completely Insane" Raggi IV supplies what is quite possibly the longest record review in the history of all time... and it just happens to cover the Formicide CD I released late last year. You can read the review here. It's pretty wild, and will definitely be the longest, kindest, and most rambling review the CD will ever receive. Period. Plus, the new issue has some of the best writing (read: ranting) ever to grace the pages of LotFP, so please check it out if you're so inclined.

And, ever the instigator, ol' Jim's now taking pre-orders for a new "Fuck Commercial Metal" t-shirt design. "Controversial!" Rumor has it that several "upper-ranking" members of the Roadrunner Records staff are threatening to sign more bands like Nickelback, release more completely hollow and unnecessary "Best of..." albums, and re-release more money-grubbing less-than-a-year-old CD's with "bonus" DVD's in 2007 in direct response to this t-shirt. But I can't back that up with "facts" or anything, so...


  1. “Rumor has it that several “upper-ranking” members of the Roadrunner Records staff are threatening to sign more bands like Nickelback”......what?....WHAT?!.....WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!? PLEASE TELL ME YOU’RE FUCKIN JOKING…....please let this rumor be some horrid joke. If this this turns out to be true then it will be proof that there is no God. Or if there is, He is VERY pissed off at us. I mean I’m not that huge of fan of Roadrunner Records but this just may very well be the end of times… that brimstone I smell?......(ok so I may be exaggerating but it still makes me sick to my stomach) Oh and I haven’t had time to check out Vectom since I’m at work and this piece of shit computer I’m using doesn’t even have a soundcard.

    2.9.2007 | By Adrianoso

  2. oh yeah and I’m definitely buying one of those shirts.

    2.9.2007 | By Adrianoso

  3. yeah , aint’ Roadrunner great since they were bought out by Island/Def Jam? i just love how they keep (hem, hem) a few good bands on so they dont TRY to loose all respect…..

    2.9.2007 | By L.Ron

  4. o yeah….. sorry, this band is like one of those bands that i have heard on like say Metal Massacre 7 that never went anywhere. and i gotta say it….. my friend is a proctologist and i saw him pull up in a amc gremlin and i said ” you make enough money to own better cars than that!?!” and he said “yeah , i had a mercedes and a caddilac but i RECTUM.” oooohhhhh…..

    2.9.2007 | By L.Ron

  5. Oh man…those shirts are great. I’ve already put in my pre-order.

    2.9.2007 | By Carlzilla

  6. Speed Metal!!!!!!!!

    2.10.2007 | By Vectom

  7. You weren’t joking about that review being long!

    2.10.2007 | By Thomas

  8. killer german thrash

    2.10.2007 | By Anonymous

  9. One of the better summations of why music criticism is relevant, and probably the best rebuttal to all of the “well, if you’re so great, why don’t YOU put out a better record” types of arguments that you see everywhere. 

    RE: the Roadrunner comment:  With “Daughtry” at the top of the charts right now, it does make one wonder how long the Post-Post-Post-Post-Grunge thing can last.  I think you’re more and more seeing a convergence of the so-called “outlaw country” attitude with the warmed over trappings of the simplistic Grunge sound.  You’re left with mush that is superficially ‘heavy’ enough to get it tagged as some kind of metal hybrid, but safe and vapid enough to garner radio-play and sing-alongs with the girlfriend.  Fuck Commerical Metal indeed!

    2.12.2007 | By Karl J

  10. “ direct response to this t-shirt.”

    hahaha!!! classic.

    2.13.2007 | By chris

  11. I’ve been curious about this one ever since that tell-tale thrash font appeared in that right-hand column.  Really nice find!

    2.15.2007 | By Invisible Oranges

  12. fuck off

    11.23.2007 | By jua