I don't know that much about Vicious Rumors 'cause I only first checked 'em out around four years ago. Formed in 1979 and (shockingly) still active today, having survived a shitload of lineup changes over the course of their 30+ years as a band, I must confess that I've yet to dig beyond their early-'90s output.
Traditional heavy metal that leans a little harder on the thrashy side, the band displays excellent songwriting that relies heavily on energetic guitar work and killer vocals. I absolutely love singers who can pull off the soaring, melodic wails but also have that gruff, snarly texture. (Sadly, the vocalist during this era of the band, Carl Albert, passed away in a car accident way back in 1995.)
This track in particular cranks out crunchy grooves and catchy hooks, but more than anything? It's got attitude, man! The way that first verse kicks in is impeccable—always eliciting an emphatic "FUCK. YES." right from the start!
Their self titled LP is a cracker too. That and Savatage’s Gutter Ballet soundtracked a large portion of my early teenage years…
5.20.2014 | By red5standingby
G R E A T album, and like he said their debut for Atlantic Records was great too. Actually all 4 albums with Carl Albert on them are classics in my book. After he died they kind of lost their way a little bit (understandably) but are getting their feet again releasing some good material.
5.20.2014 | By Matt
Yeah, the self-titled is the only other album i have. I really need to start digging into the other material as well.
5.20.2014 | By Andrew Aversionline
Digital Dictator is must. Shrapnel reissued it. Word Of Mouth is the first one after Atlantic. And is good but least needed of the 4. There is a live one too recorded in Japan, if you are into live stuff.
Also, Cyberchrist wasn’t bad with new singer. He tried his best to match the brilliance of Albert. Sadist Symphony is good song wise, but could be on the list for one of the worst sounding thinnest productions of all time. So sad when I bought that one. Cover art should have let me know actually.
5.20.2014 | By Matt
I’ve been looking for a reasonably priced CD copy of ‘Digital Dictator,’ but haven’t lucked out just yet.
5.21.2014 | By Andrew Aversionline