Well, I can safely say that I never thought an album with cover art such as this would've made it onto the site, but what can you do? I may not like the artwork, but I do quite enjoy the album, which is "Anything Can Stop Us" from Viola, on the rather diverse If Society label. I first encountered this Finnish duo last month on the "It's a Trap! Reader's Companion Volume Two" compilation CD as one of the artists outside of my normal listening spectrum that piqued my interest, and that's basically where this album falls. The band generally seems to be categorized as "pop music", which I guess is the case on some level, though I tend to dislike the negative connotations that are often associated with the "pop" tag. I don't really know what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to a lot of this stuff since I'm not but so familiar with the influences or contemporaries of such groups, but to me there's definitely a dark-ish edge to this material that reminds me of a couple of modern bands that've been deemed "new wave" throwbacks or what have you—though Viola probably has more of a lushness to their sound. The songwriting is awesome, and that's what does it for me. It's catchy without lacking intrigue, and it doesn't feel cheaply "hip" to me at all. There's a weird balance of brightness against the more somber undercurrents that really works, so... hey, see what you think, maybe you'll agree with me?
Viola "Invisible Revolution"
Viola "Breathtaker"
If you do enjoy Viola as I do, please purchase the disc for yourself from the always awesome It's a Trap webstore:
Here’s a comment, critters was a heavy movie, let the bashing begin ;)
7.26.2006 | By xbenx
Hell yes. This is awesome. Never heard of this band, but it’s solid. Good switch from the normal chug-a-thon, too.
Also,the new Helmet is on a quasi-indie, too. Can’t comment on the backlash, as I’m still listening to Battles….
7.26.2006 | By J_Biz
Not a big fan of the vocals on the new Helmet but I’ve heard far worse, even from them (the stuff before Meantime.)
But what do I know, I’m still catching up from the 90s.
7.26.2006 | By betahat
this sounds a lot like newer Appleseed Cast, but much happier and catchier
7.26.2006 | By Eric
Eric, I haven’t heard much Appleseed Cast, I only have one of their discs. I’ll need to check out more… wouldn’t have expected them to hit on this sound!
J_Biz, the “quasi-indie” (I don’t know specifics there) still uses those damn FBI anti-piracy logos on their packaging, heh, heh. Glad you dig Viola.
Betahat, I’m gonna link you up soon. Nicely done…
And yes, Ben, “Critters” was awesome. I loved that shit as a kid, ha, ha.
7.26.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
whoa nice. I really liked that Invinsible Revolution from that previous post. Almost has like a surreal feel to it. Like as if I were being transported through some far off land or being put through some magically delicious montage hahaha idk…..oh and Critters? As in those furry balls of death that shot needles from their backs?! I’ll never forget that movie! ah good times. good times.
7.26.2006 | By Adrianoso
I have two problems with the new Helmet album. One of them being Page’s vocals. I know that he was never the best vocalist on Earth, but for some reason the vocals were pretty wretched. I don’t know what happened to his voice, I saw them tour for Size Matters and they didn’t seem that off, but in newer videos I’ve checked out on Youtube, they have gotten downright horrible.
My other problem is the drumming. I’m not going to go on a “Get John Stanier Back” soapbox because that will never happen, but the drumming is just boring to me. There’s nothing interesting happening and there’s no flair to it at all.
Other than that, I think the most of the music is good. Page really did reach back into the past and it shows through on this disc. I just think that it lacks a lot of energy. That’s all.
7.26.2006 | By eddie
I just noticed you bought the new 18 Visions. My condolences. That band has successfully completed their journey from decent to suck.
7.26.2006 | By Expose Music
I absolutely cannot get past the vocals on the new Helmet records.. It just makes it unlistenable for me, even though they’re still kinda good (but IMO not great) musically. I don’t really like anything after Betty though, and I don’t LOVE anything after Meantime, so I guess I’m not the best person to be judging new Helmet records.
That Sheer Terror 2CD is a really great buy.. Excellent collection. My only complaint is that the booklet doesn’t say more about where the bonus tracks came from.
7.26.2006 | By mark p.
“Inundated” is a funny word.
Use it more.
7.27.2006 | By Anonymous
Phew, I thought I was the only person who’s brain exploded when they saw the new 18 visions video. My neurons were innundated with crap.
7.27.2006 | By betahat
hey expose music, 18visions completed that journey a LONG time ago.
7.27.2006 | By Adrianoso
speaking of the new 18v, anyone who says they don’t like the hooks of eg. “our darkest days” or “truth or consequence” are only afraid to admit it to themselves. it’s wussy, mainstream, emo-like shit, and as further removed from “until the ink runs out” as possible, but it works, so fuck it. jejune lyrics notwithstanding.
anyways, this viola stuff sounds cool, and it’s a trap seems to be a great label, will have to check more of their stuff. thanks.
7.27.2006 | By chris
Chris, I agree. I used to hate Eighteen Visions, but the new record is so catchy that I really dig the songs. Some of the shit sounds like Def Leppard circa “Hysteria” to me in terms of just ridiculously huge choruses and shit. It’s not great or anything, but I enjoy it way more than their last couple of records…
7.27.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
sorry for the late posting, but I have to disagree on the appleseed cast sound, as they are more of a explosions in the sky sound as of late, but they still one of my top 10 artists
8.22.2006 | By Steve