
Song of the Day: Westkust, “Weekends,” from Summer 3D/Weekends (Luxury, 2013)

I don't quite remember how I stumbled upon Gothenburg, Sweden's Westkust ('twas likely a tweet from @itsatrapdotcom, I'd say), but when I saw the cover art for their Summer 3D/Weekends EP, I could only assume it would be phenomenal.

And it is!

The two-song EP from last year follows their four-song Junk 12" from 2012, and it's a glorious fuzzbomb fusion of alternative, post-punk, shoegaze, and more—shimmery, zesty, catchy, yet still hanging on to a certain undercurrent of darkness. It sort of hits my ears like an unexpected blend of The Joy Formidable meets Young Adults, and that's a winning combination if ever there was one.

Summer 3D/Weekends is now available digitally (iTunes, Spotify, etc.) or as a 7", and apparently Westkust has already completed a new full-length album. I can't wait!