I know almost nothing about Withstand other than the fact that this band was so ridiculously underrated in their day that I didn't even get introduced to them until earlier this year, which is just fucking pathetic. They were from the Troy, NY area, and their sole full-length, "...And Anger Was a Warm Place to Hide", is jam packed with vicious metallic hardcore in the truest sense. This shit is so inherently 90's it hurts, right down to the strained vocal shouts. I'm talking nothing but sick midpaced crunch through and through, with just the right amount of dissonance and some pretty killer drumming. A surprisingly crisp and balanced recording with an awesome guitar tone definitely accentuates the mosh factor of the rhythms, but don't go thinking this is a bunch of meatheaded chug overload or something like that, because that's not the case at all. They don't sound like Leeway (more like Outspoken with much more metal), but stylistically their riffs are coming from that "Desperate Measures" sort of area in terms of chunky picking patterns and tactfully blatant metallic overtones, so I would've totally flipped out and gone completely apeshit over this stuff if I was aware of its existence in 1997 when it came out (on Mayhem/Fierce). They did do an EP prior, which I believe was almost entirely re-recorded for this album, but why the hell did I never hear shit about these guys when they were around!? I can't make any fucking sense of that at all. See for yourself... this shit is great, man.
Withstand "Maybe Tomorrow"
Withstand "Eyes to Guide Them"
Withstand "Wish You Were"
As is typical of painfully ignored albums, you can buy this fucking thing used for as little as a god damn penny (plus shipping), so fucking do it:
I saw you got this and got right on it, fuckin heavy bro ;) - Also, you should check out the new Eye of judgement and Nueva etica cds, goooood shit dude!!
Also, while i’m here, if anyone can help, i’m looking for these 2 cds,
Jane - Romeo Is Dead
Ire - Adversity into triumph
If anyone has copies of these and are willing to sell, email pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!! and we can talk $$$$ THanxxx
7.28.2006 | By xbenx
BIll Scoville (One King Down) was in this band.
They definitely were a great band for the time. I somehow never found out about them too until after they had broken up.
7.28.2006 | By Buske DNA
Not into the vocals but otherwise this is good stuff. Totally cosigned on the Desperate Measures comparison.
Speaking of albums you can get for insanely cheap on amazon, you should check out Rapscallion’s “Gardens Of Machiney”. It’s a pretty cool like post-thrash/kinda prog-metal but not really album with lots of quirky rhythms, chunky riffs, clean guitar breaks, etc. I think you’d love it.
Since you seem to be really up on 90s metallic HC, were you ever into that band Dive from Boston? They were kinda awkward at times, but at their best I thought they were REALLY good, especially the song on the In Memory Of Boston Hardcore comp.. Definitely an underrated band.
7.29.2006 | By mark
Glad you’re digging this shit, man! I ran into Kevin, the guitar player, in Albany today. Ironic!
Hey, speaking of Dive, Scott McCooe from Overcast was in that, right?
7.31.2006 | By john torn
This is my favorite band from Troy. So underrated.
Andrew - let me know if you want an E.P.
Kevin has a new band - The Final Sleep. They are playing with Katatonia in November. The band includes memebrs of Withstand, Final Terror, Dying Breed, and End of Line and fit right on a Katatonia bill.
7.31.2006 | By Cannibal Matt
Mark -
DIVE was phenomenal. Very original music and great vocals/vocal patterns. The first 7-inch was my favorite thing they released.
Members later went on to form GET HIGH which were in the same vein as DIVE, though a little less “hardcore”.
7.31.2006 | By Buske DNA
Yeah, Dive was great. I haven’t heard all their stuff, I need to get off my ass and track that shit down.
I’ll have to look into The Final Sleep as well!
8.1.2006 | By Andrew Aversionline
you can still get the 7” from Moo Cow i think.. plus he has a compilation CD he just put out with that 7” comp and a bunch of other stuff that he’s selling for $2.50ppd.
8.1.2006 | By mark
expect a dive 7” post on coregasm soon, its been in my pile of stuff to do so since a bunch of people are talking about them, might as well post it up tonight! - ems
8.7.2006 | By EMS / COREGASM / SA MOB
hell yeah joe here i am 28 years old and was around when all of the great hardcore shit was going on in albany in the late 90ds withstand were a phat band they did some really great shows at the qe2 with section 8 kevin from withstands new band the final sleep are something to o can,t foreget about final terror i am still trying to find there demo stuff but there bigest thing was a live redcording can anyone hook me up ? troycore albany style fore ever
8.17.2008 | By joe