"Delayed Response" is the absolutely crushing self-released debut from McLean, VA's The Osedax, throwing down eight lengthy...
I'm a little overdue on this, but some time ago A389 Recordings unleashed "Niu": A six-song, 20-minute live set from the...
Recently released by Sjakk Matt Plater is the debut 7" from Norwegian hardcore/punk outfit Morethanthis, a new band that...
"Letumus Cathari" is the latest from UK act Wayfarer (released in cooperation between Carry the Weight Records, Green...
From Take it Back Records in cooperation with Green Menace and Street Survival Records comes this raging split 7" between...
A split release from The Ghost is Clear Records, Mayfly Records, and Melotov Records, this LP sees Canyons (Kansas City),...
Released back in 2008 by Iron Pig Records, "Channels" is the first CD from Macedonian act Potop, and contains tracks from...
Dephosphorus formed in Greece back in 2008, and I believe "Axiom" is their first recorded output. Included are seven...
Released by Take it Back Records and Cobra Records (with the band self-releasing a limited run of CD's), "Abwärts" is the...
Another new untitled release from Gods and Queens (once more through Sons of Vesta) sees the band cranking out three more...
Without question the best release of 2011, and quite frankly one of the finest releases in the history of all living...
Od Vratot Nadolu is a two-piece act from Macedonia that consists of bass, drums, and vocals, and I believe "Ziva" is their...
"Загадка (Zagadka)", which I believe is self-released, marks my first exposure to New Jersey's Gholas, and it offers...
Yet another crazy, unexpected outing from A389 Recordings is a two-song 7" EP of new material from Phoenix, AZ's Mighty...
Another recent release from the always excellent A389 Recordings that's on the "doomier" side of things is this two-song,...
I make no secret of the fact that I'm a huge sucker for catchy songs, and the self-titled debut EP from Connecticut's Kids...
Another one that I've written about a number of times now is the debut full-length outing from unpredictable international...
If the idea of crushing doom/sludge delivered with the concise, to-the-point energy of hardcore/punk sounds promising to...
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