I highly doubt there are many people out there who ever thought they'd see the day that Amebix would reform, much less that...
Gods and Queens' latest untitled effort comes to us from Italian label Sons of Vesta, and sees the band unloading six more...
Add another release to the list of reasons why I love the Finnish hardcore scene! This cooperative effort between Killing...
Bastard Sapling—from right here in Richmond, VA—started out as a one-man band in 2007, and has now grown to include members...
One more long-awaited gem recently seeing the light of day via Deathwish Inc. is "This Sheltering Night", the latest from...
Released by Local Cross Records, this two-song EP (it's also known as the "Disaster Prone" 7", but my philosophy is that if...
"No Light for Mass" is the first full-length outing from Norway's Okkultokrati (released on CD by Fysisk Format and on LP...
"The Blackest Curse" (once more from the Deathwish Inc. label) is the ridiculously long-awaited new full-length from the...
"Restored to One" (released by The Ajna Offensive and Feral House) is an incredibly unique outing from Sabbath Assembly, a...
A few months ago, Adel from The Feast of Hate and Fear asked me if I would host the next episode of his online radio show,...
"A Rage of Rapture Against the Dying of the Light" is the debut self-released EP from Dutch act Terzij de Horde...
Still kickin' after nearly two decades of (unwarranted) relative obscurity, Pale Creation has suddenly resurfaced with this...
"Destroyer | Borderlines" (released on CD by Let it Burn Records with Apil Records handling the vinyl) is the latest...
Carrion Spring is a relatively new band from Portland, OR that formed late last year and has already released this two-song...
"Solitude" is the final self-released EP from Minneapolis, MN's Cowards, who played their last shows a few months ago....
"And So Our Troubles Began" is a new six-song 12" EP (co-released by Headwrecker Records, De Graanrepubliek, and IFB...
Being the out-of-the-loop hermit that I am, Inter Arma is yet another band from here in Richmond, VA that I had never heard...
I was unfortunately late to finally checking out the 1.6 Band (who originally called it quits way back in 1993), as it was...
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